Tuesday, April 8, 2025

Exploring Portfolio Investment Opportunities in the WAEMU Region


Investor Conference
Venue: London Stock Exchange, 10 Paternoster Square, London EC4M 7LS

08:00 - 09:00

Registration and Welcome Breakfast

  • Guest registration and networking
  • Light refreshments and coffee

09:00 - 09:15

Opening Ceremony

  • Welcome Address: Dr Edoh Kossi Amenounve, CEO of BRVM
  • Keynote Speech: Senior Minister of Finance (Benin TBC)
  • Keynote Speech: Head of Financial Institution (BOAD TBC)

09:15 - 10:15

Panel 1: Africa and WAEMU Economic Outlook

What is the outlook for economic growth in the West Africa region and across the continent? How can countries invest to develop human capital, upgrade the performance of agriculture and industry, and position their economies for long-term growth? Speakers on this panel will discuss critical issues relevant to investors. The conversation will provide a framework and background for sessions throughout the day.


  • Economic growth trends and regional integration
  • Monetary policy
  • How the African Continental Free Trade Area will affect regional and pan-African trade and economic growth
  • Impact of political changes in Sahel nations on regional integration and growth
  • Key sectors driving growth: manufacturing, extractive industries, energy, agriculture and housing
10:15 - 11:30

Panel 2: Spotlight On Benin: Strategic Investment Opportunities

Benin’s government has been enacting reforms and focusing resources on areas expected to underpin the country’s long-term growth. The IMF noted in a January 2025 report that “Innovation and a strong reform drive have strengthened Benin’s resilience to regional and global challenges and supported progress toward meeting the Sustainable Development Goals”. The government is working to attract investment across several sectors, including tourism, infrastructure, agribusiness and other industries.


  • Keynote from Senior Minister of Finance outlining Benin’s reforms and how they are driving growth, investment priorities and business activities
  • Discussion of strategic investment opportunities:
    • Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations du Benin (CDC Benin, sovereign wealth fund): projects in infrastructure, urban development, special economic zones, tourism, digital innovation and other industries
    • Tourism Minister: Benin’s activities and investment opportunities in the tourism sector
    • Managing Director of the Glo-Djigbé Industrial Zone (GDIZ): development of industrial capabilities
    • Agriculture sector: increasing value added of cotton, cocoa, cashews and export crops through the GDIZ
11:30 - 11:45

Coffee Break

11:45 - 12:45

Panel 3: BRVM Listed Companies and Market Perspective

The BRVM Stock Exchange has listed companies across numerous sectors including financial services, telecommunications, agriculture, manufacturing, transportation and utilities. This session will offer investors the chance to hear directly from corporate executives and other market participants about the companies’ operating performance, strategy and business outlook.


  • Overview of BRVM listing composition, performance and new products
  • Investor presentations from listed companies in the financial services, telecommunications and other sectors
  • Discussion of potential Initial Public Offerings on the BRVM exchange
12:45 - 13:45

Networking Lunch

13:45 - 14:45

Panel 4: Sovereign Debt in the WAEMU

Governments in the region have been active in international bond markets in recent years. Countries raise capital to invest in development priorities and to support ongoing budget requirements. Changing investor appetite for risk, rising interest rates and global economic shocks affect demand for sovereign debt issues. How are governments managing resources in this volatile environment?


  • Recent debt issuance by countries in the region and investor appetite for further capital raises
  • Government investment programmes supported by debt issuance
  • Actions and policies in place—or needed—to improve debt ratios and reduce the cost of funding
  • Fiscal policies including improving domestic revenue mobilisation

Guest Speech by The Direction Générale des Financements de Côte d’Ivoire
Panel Discussion

14:45 - 16:30

Private Meetings